
Friday 6 September 2019

W6 T3 R3 Weekly Reflection!

W6 T3 R3 2019
White hat - list what you have have been learning in class this week
Made spiced peaches,
did our school’s got talent,
fitness, P.E. shed.
Yellow hat - what has gone well with your learning this week?   
The peaches were a
great success!
Black hat - What has not gone well with your learning this week?  
I got sick, and missed
out on a lot of work.
Green hat - what can you do better next week  
I can try to do as
much work as possible
to catch up, but I will
make sure that I do
everything write, and
that I don’t rush too much.
Add a photo or image to your blog post if it reinforces your reflection.   

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Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments. 
Positive - something I have done well.
Thoughtful - a sentence or more that  lets me know you that you read/watched or listened to what I had to say.
Helpful - please give me some ideas for next time or ask a question you want to know more about.

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