
Monday 19 August 2019

2019 Elizabeth 
The Moon Landing (Diary)
Dear Diary, 16, July, 1969

Today I saw the first man step on the moon at 9:32. We learn about 

the moon at school in science.

First, it took NASA almost 10 years to get someone to the moon 

And back safely. That’s 3,650 days!

Next, my dad drove my mum, my sister, and me to the launch site, 

And when the rocket was taking off, it was louder than an elephant 

Jumping up, and down!

Everyone who was included in making this event possible was 

So important, that if you took one of them away, Neil, Buzz, and 

Michel would have been doomed!

We were really lucky to have been at the launch site, and see 

The actual rocket in real life taking off to go to the moon!

Then, When Neil Armstrrong took his first step on the moon

He said this, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for 


After that, I felt inspired.

I’ll write in you
  - Elizabeth.

This is my drawing of the rocket!

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