
Friday 22 November 2019

Our Trip to Wellington, Te Papa, and Capital E!

Trip to Wellington!

Capital E, Te Papa!

Hello! Yesterday, (19 of November, 2019), our class went to Wellington to go to Te Papa, and Capital E, where we made music in pairs! My partner was Jeana!

At Te Papa we went in groups to explore through out the museum. My group went to the nature exhibit, the giant squid, Toi art, and there was a piece of art that we stood on called: the black hole!


Toi art. (We were not allowed to
touch it sadly.😭)                                                             Giant Squid

My favourite thing was the Toi art and the giant squid because I think that it is really cool that they found a squid that big! And the Toi art was incredible! I wanted to run through it but we weren't aloud to touch it. But it was still really cool!

And in Capital E, we made music in pairs, and I was working with Jeana! We went onto this website called ACID express, we got different sounds, put them together, and we made a really cool piece of music! It sounded great in the end!